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When we asked Julie Sussman, P.P.A., to serve as a technical copyeditor for the second edition, we did not know what a good deal we were getting. In addition to copyediting the technical content, Julie enthusiastically edited our prose. It is humbling to think of how many errors Julie found in our earlier drafts, though considering how many errors she found in the first edition (after it was printed, unfortunately), it is not surprising. Moreover, Julie sacrificed her own schedule to accommodate ours-she even brought chapters with her on a trip to the Virgin Islands! Julie, we cannot thank you enough for the amazing job you did.
The work for the second edition was done while the authors were members of the Department of Computer Science at Dartmouth College and the Laboratory for Computer Science at MIT. Both were stimulating environments in which to work, and we thank our colleagues for their support.
Friends and colleagues all over the world have provided suggestions and opinions that guided our writing. Many thanks to Sanjeev Arora, Javed Aslam, Guy Blelloch, Avrim Blum, Scot Drysdale, Hany Farid, Hal Gabow, Andrew Goldberg, David Johnson, Yanlin Liu, Nicolas Schabanel, Alexander Schrijver, Sasha Shen, David Shmoys, Dan Spielman, Gerald Jay Sussman, Bob Tarjan, Mikkel Thorup, and Vijay Vazirani.
Many teachers and colleagues have taught us a great deal about algorithms. We particularly acknowledge our teachers Jon L. Bentley, Bob Floyd, Don Knuth, Harold Kuhn, H. T. Kung, Richard Lipton, Arnold Ross, Larry Snyder, Michael I. Shamos, David Shmoys, Ken Steiglitz, Tom Szymanski, Éva Tardos, Bob Tarjan, and Jeffrey Ullman.
We acknowledge the work of the many teaching assistants for the algorithms courses at MIT and Dartmouth, including Joseph Adler, Craig Barrack, Bobby Blumofe, Roberto De Prisco, Matteo Frigo, Igal Galperin, David Gupta, Raj D. Iyer, Nabil Kahale, Sarfraz Khurshid, Stavros Kolliopoulos, Alain Leblanc, Yuan Ma, Maria Minkoff, Dimitris Mitsouras, Alin Popescu, Harald Prokop, Sudipta Sengupta, Donna Slonim, Joshua A. Tauber, Sivan Toledo, Elisheva Werner-Reiss, Lea Wittie, Qiang Wu, and Michael Zhang.
Computer support was provided by William Ang, Scott Blomquist, and Greg Shomo at MIT and by Wayne Cripps, John Konkle, and Tim Tregubov at Dartmouth. Thanks also to Be Blackburn, Don Dailey, Leigh Deacon, Irene Sebeda, and Cheryl Patton Wu at MIT and to Phyllis Bellmore, Kelly Clark, Delia Mauceli, Sammie Travis, Deb Whiting, and Beth Young at Dartmouth for administrative support. Michael Fromberger, Brian Campbell, Amanda Eubanks, Sung Hoon Kim, and Neha Narula also provided timely support at Dartmouth.
Many people were kind enough to report errors in the first edition. We thank the following people, each of whom was the first to report an error from the first edition: Len Adleman, Selim Akl, Richard Anderson, Juan Andrade-Cetto, Gregory Bachelis, David Barrington, Paul Beame, Richard Beigel, Margrit Betke, Alex Blakemore, Bobby Blumofe, Alexander Brown, Xavier Cazin, Jack Chan, Richard Chang, Chienhua Chen, Ien Cheng, Hoon Choi, Drue Coles, Christian Collberg, George Collins, Eric Conrad, Peter Csaszar, Paul Dietz, Martin Dietzfelbinger, Scot Drysdale, Patricia Ealy, Yaakov Eisenberg, Michael Ernst, Michael Formann, Nedim Fresko, Hal Gabow, Marek Galecki, Igal Galperin, Luisa Gargano, John Gately, Rosario Genario, Mihaly Gereb, Ronald Greenberg, Jerry Grossman, Stephen Guattery, Alexander Hartemik, Anthony Hill, Thomas Hofmeister, Mathew Hostetter, Yih-Chun Hu, Dick Johnsonbaugh, Marcin Jurdzinki, Nabil Kahale, Fumiaki Kamiya, Anand Kanagala, Mark Kantrowitz, Scott Karlin, Dean Kelley, Sanjay Khanna, Haluk Konuk, Dina Kravets, Jon Kroger, Bradley Kuszmaul, Tim Lambert, Hang Lau, Thomas Lengauer, George Madrid, Bruce Maggs, Victor Miller, Joseph Muskat, Tung Nguyen, Michael Orlov, James Park, Seongbin Park, Ioannis Paschalidis, Boaz Patt-Shamir, Leonid Peshkin, Patricio Poblete, Ira Pohl, Stephen Ponzio, Kjell Post, Todd Poynor, Colin Prepscius, Sholom Rosen, Dale Russell, Hershel Safer, Karen Seidel, Joel Seiferas, Erik Seligman, Stanley Selkow, Jeffrey Shallit, Greg Shannon, Micha Sharir, Sasha Shen, Norman Shulman, Andrew Singer, Daniel Sleator, Bob Sloan, Michael Sofka, Volker Strumpen, Lon Sunshine, Julie Sussman, Asterio Tanaka, Clark Thomborson, Nils Thommesen, Homer Tilton, Martin Tompa, Andrei Toom, Felzer Torsten, Hirendu Vaishnav, M. Veldhorst, Luca Venuti, Jian Wang, Michael Wellman, Gerry Wiener, Ronald Williams, David Wolfe, Jeff Wong, Richard Woundy, Neal Young, Huaiyuan Yu, Tian Yuxing, Joe Zachary, Steve Zhang, Florian Zschoke, and Uri Zwick.
Many of our colleagues provided thoughtful reviews or filled out a long survey. We thank reviewers Nancy Amato, Jim Aspnes, Kevin Compton, William Evans, Peter Gacs, Michael Goldwasser, Andrzej Proskurowski, Vijaya Ramachandran, and John Reif. We also thank the following people for sending back the survey: James Abello, Josh Benaloh, Bryan Beresford-Smith, Kenneth Blaha, Hans Bodlaender, Richard Borie, Ted Brown, Domenico Cantone, M. Chen, Robert Cimikowski, William Clocksin, Paul Cull, Rick Decker, Matthew Dickerson, Robert Douglas, Margaret Fleck, Michael Goodrich, Susanne Hambrusch, Dean Hendrix, Richard Johnsonbaugh, Kyriakos Kalorkoti, Srinivas Kankanahalli, Hikyoo Koh, Steven Lindell, Errol Lloyd, Andy Lopez, Dian Rae Lopez, George Lucker, David Maier, Charles Martel, Xiannong Meng, David Mount, Alberto Policriti, Andrzej Proskurowski, Kirk Pruhs, Yves Robert, Guna Seetharaman, Stanley Selkow, Robert Sloan, Charles Steele, Gerard Tel, Murali Varanasi, Bernd Walter, and Alden Wright. We wish we could have carried out all your suggestions. The only problem is that if we had, the second edition would have been about 3000 pages long!
The second edition was produced in . Michael Downes converted the
macros from "classic"
, and he converted the text files to use these new macros. David Jones also provided
support. Figures for the second edition were produced by the authors using MacDraw Pro. As in the first edition, the index was compiled using Windex, a C program written by the authors, and the bibliography was prepared using
. Ayorkor Mills-Tettey and Rob Leathern helped convert the figures to MacDraw Pro, and Ayorkor also checked our bibliography.
As it was in the first edition, working with The MIT Press and McGraw-Hill has been a delight. Our editors, Bob Prior of The MIT Press and Betsy Jones of McGraw-Hill, put up with our antics and kept us going with carrots and sticks.
Finally, we thank our wives-Nicole Cormen, Gail Rivest, and Rebecca Ivry-our children-Ricky, William, and Debby Leiserson; Alex and Christopher Rivest; and Molly, Noah, and Benjamin Stein-and our parents-Renee and Perry Cormen, Jean and Mark Leiserson, Shirley and Lloyd Rivest, and Irene and Ira Stein-for their love and support during the writing of this book. The patience and encouragement of our families made this project possible. We affectionately dedicate this book to them.
Hanover, New Hampshire
Cambridge, Massachusetts
Cambridge, Massachusetts
Hanover, New Hampshire
May 2001
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